Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire
This painting celebrates a murmuration at Gibraltar Point. It captivated us with its ever-changing shape as the birds swooped and swirled over the mudflats and sea.
Original acrylic and mixed media painting
Framed size: 25.5cm high x 52.5cm wide
Original sold but available as signed, limited edition, giclee prints
Mounted, full size print: 33.5cm high x 57.5cm wide
Shropshire view
Original acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas
Canvas size: 45.5cm high x 61cm wide
Original sold but available as signed, limited edition, giclee print, full size or reduced size
Mounted, reduced size print: 47.5cm high x 55cm wide
Carding Mill Valley, Shropshire
Original acrylic and mixed media painting
Framed size: 101.5cm high x 76.5cm wide
Original sold but available as signed, limited edition, giclee print, full size or reduced size
Mounted, reduced size print: 61cm high x 45.5cm wide
Ludlow Castle
Original acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas
Unframed, canvas size: 59.5cm high x 89.5cm wide
Original sold but available as signed, limited edition, giclee print, full size or reduced size
Mounted, reduced size print: 47.5cm high x 57cm wide
Catbells, Lake District
Original acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas
Framed size: 46cm high x 61cm wide
Also available as signed, limited edition, giclee print, full size or reduced size
Mounted, reduced size print: 48cm high x 57cm wide
Winter blues
Based on a view in Borrowdale valley, Lake District
Original acrylic and mixed media painting
Framed size: 38cm sq
Original sold but available as signed, limited edition, giclee print, full size or reduced size
Mounted, reduced size print: 43cm high x 40cm wide
Winter bare
Based on a view in Borrowdale valley, Lake District
Original acrylic and mixed media painting
Framed size: 43cm sq
Original sold but available as signed, limited edition, giclee print, full size or reduced size
Mounted, reduced size print: 44cm wide x 46.5cm high